Thank you.

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From YHWH alone comes strength and righteousness.

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Agree that the trans campaign is garbage and is insanely damaging to girls' and women's lives.

That said, religion isn't needed for moral objectivity. In fact, recognizing that morality is common sense and needs no book or gods is a major facet of self-realization. It requires us to hold ourselves responsible for the actions determined by our respective wills. It requires us to determine the parameters by which we will determine what is good and what is bad. The Golden Principle is the guide to knowing. Don't treat others as you would not like to be treated. This fact is arrived at by reason.

Some of the most outspoken and hashed-out anti-trans-campaign folks are radical feminist-womanists. Many of us are also anti-theists. We have been screaming into the void about the Open Society Foundation and friends for many years. Finally, the mainstream is cluing in. The religious men are joining in too while still hating women in general. Still, it was us, the women, who were here first. We have blazed the trail. It is only fair that men be prepared to learn from us rather than show up and act as though they are the ones leading the fight. Respect in this subject must be earned and proven over time.

Luckily though, the pro-trans are still just a tiny minority. They are loud but they are few. They don't stand a chance against us. Especially that bishop. I mean, Trump is just as much Zionist trash as all the others, but damn if that gal wasn't a melodramatic, cloying, bleating little baby dumdum. "Wahhhh". Lol.

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Well stated. Greatly needed...the Good News of Jesus to lost and angry souls. Keep up the Good Work.

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Actually just the opposite; as more and more recent discoveries in the Middle East confirm the Bible. But you are free to believe as you please and so am I.

I wish you well in your adventure in this life. I fear it will not go well for you after this life but that, too, is your choice.

Have a nice day.

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The sacrifice of the cross is renewed without bleeding in all holy masses celebrated throughout the world today. It is this sacrifice of the mass which offers to unite men and women with God. For God loves us and wants us to be happy.

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I see no indication of god only the devil every day. if there is a god he is useless and getting owned by the devil

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I certainly understand your feeling. We live in a heavy world with a lot of very confused, misled people who continue to reject truth. The Bible spoke of our days in such detail--the darkness, murderous spirits, ruthless, disobedient, insatiable lusts, gossips, deceitful, perverse, etc. etc. along with the evil of those would twist the simple gospel for personal gain. The world is fallen, and God is still at work, and Jesus will reign despite the already-condemned wicked who believe they are ruling freely or changing history. If there is an evil, one must ask, how do I know it's evil? Who placed this internal moral compass within us? There is a reason. Anyways, too much to say here, but I do appreciate your feelings about this. You're certainly not alone, and it's wonderful that you sense the wrong around us.

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If you do not see, you CAN NOT be looking. He is EVERYWHERE IF you can get past your personal arrogance and actually SEE.

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was god around during the black plague during the spanish flu WWI WWII stalin killing 60 million of jesus's followers?? god aint nowhere and does not exist and if he does he is a sadist like the jews devil god in the OT

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Yes He was and is. Your negativity saddens me. Research real Christianity and you will learn that this earth is the turf of the Evil One during this particular phase of history. The whole story is there in the “owners manual” for the life; the Bible. Read it. It is amazing.

Or continue to stew in ignorance. Up to you. God grants free will to mankind.

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a lot of the fairy tales in the buybull have been disproven like the exodus. there never was one. never was a king david or his palace etc etc. and it was israeli historians that brought this out. jews best storytellers ever and that is why they ended up in hollywood telling stories and getting rich

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God makes us in His image. God gives us all power through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. Jesus quotes Psalm 82:6 which you should please read. You have the power to cast out demons, heal the sick, and do all things. God is being patient while you blame God for the evil you see and do nothing about. Please stop waiting for God to do what He gave you power to do.

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I would be shot or jailed if I tried to stop evil and you know it. you are a buybull humper and supposedly the non existent god caused the flood destruction of sodom and gomorrah all the plagues on egypt etc etc and you leave that out

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It doesn't go thump when I read it. The flood is recorded historically in the Edfu building texts, in the epic of Gilgamesh, and geologically in Meltwater pulse B when the Cordilleran, Laurentide, and European ice sheets all melted in a period of weeks, raising sea levels almost 400 feet. Today about 90% of mankind live within 100 miles of the sea. Even more back then. And God flooded the world because no one was combatting evil. Only a very few were not also partaking in the evil.

God sent fire from heaven to destroy Sodom but not before Abraham pleaded for it to be spared. But there were not ten good people in Sodom. So God destroyed it.

Later God showed His power by sending plagues upon Egypt to illustrate to the Hebrews how important they were to Him.

God loves you and has spoken through the prophet Isaiah that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. You fear being shot or jailed for doing God's work. But God says do not be afraid.

I myself have had three laser sighted rifles pointed at me. I have been threatened with execution by the vice president of Somaliland. I have been jailed and beaten and jailed again and again. And I am still here.

You refuse to fight evil. Stop blaming God. While you wait for God to act, God is waiting for you to act. Guess who has more time?

Just to finish up, God does promise to run out of patience again. Psalm 68, Isaiah 30, Malachi 4, Revelation 18. God sends fire to burn up the evil sinners. So be careful what you pray for, you might get burnt.

Eternal Father hear our prayers. Please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.

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it is plain to see you are a liar like those mega church preachers

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Charming. Your comment comes from a profile named for the Roman cruelty at the time of the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem. So your enmity and animosity seem like badges of accomplishment for me. God bless you and your family. May God have mercy on your soul. Amen.

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Jim, this guy has left very strange comments on a prior post, too. He enjoys stirring the pot of racism, atheism, or whatever suits his fancy that day.

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destruction of the jews satanic temple by the Romans was the single greatest act in the history of the world. if that temple stood the jews would have brought the end of the world

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Leave abortion out of this

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May I ask why?

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Please include a healing discussion of abortion and infanticide. We are called on to overcome the world. We do so looking directly at all of its aspects.

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You'll never get rid of abortion, the sooner you give up the better

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Imagine this statement: "You'll never get rid of cancer, the sooner you give up the better." Or, "you'll never get rid of drug addiction, the sooner you give up the better." Or, "you'll never get rid of spousal abuse, the sooner you give up the better." In this world, we sinners will be tempted to do a variety of destructive things. But that doesn't mean we encourage others to give in to the temptation or turn away from their suffering. MANY women who have abortions do so out of fear, panic, etc. They deserve compassion. However, so does the unborn child who sits in the crosshairs. This is why people oppose abortion and seek to greatly limit its demand, not to mention its casual availability.

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