Amen, an oracle from Elohim's own heart! Thanks for sharing.

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Since a human zygote shares its genome with the fetus that it grows into, as well as the baby that is born from it, and the full grown adult that the baby grows into, how can killing a human being at any stage of development be considered anything but murder?

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If we were truly created in God's image, why are we all not non-local spiritual entities like him?

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I concur with your reasoning. I think much of the confusion is intentional obfuscation from "the powers that be." See this from the Covid era.


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Sadly the lemmings gather and ever closer to the cliff, and I’m usually more encouraging to this group but we know what’s coming and only a few will listen…..

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What an excellent and timely post! We have lost our way and in doing so have lost touch with the Devine. Heck we have been forcing God out of the public square since the 1960s....only to wind-up where we are today. Devoid of humanity and the true meaning of our existence. To make matters worse - we fancy ourselves to be god....pure hubris! Fortunately, Our Lord is patient but he is also Pure Justice. You see he'll let us go our way (he does love us). However, in the end but He will not be mocked nor made little. The time is coming when God is going to make his presence felt (and it ain't going to be pretty). We deserve what we get and shame on us for neglecting the source of EVERYTHING. Folks should pull their heads out of their nether regions and get right with the Lord (time is running out). Thanks again for the excellent post. Pax

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