You were rewarded for your truth and honesty by being excused from service. A few years ago I was in nearly the same boat so I will tell you what you missed out on. My guy had his truck rear ended by an uninsured motorist and was trying to collect a million bucks from his own insurance company for medical bills, most of which would go to the lawyers obviously. The whole show was basically about what a good and civic minded hard working schlub he was and how basically the insurance company didn't need the money at all. I hate insurance companies as much as the next guy but the question of: 'where is the truth at?' was FAARRR from this courtroom.

The points that I picked up on were that he made his living installing garage door openers which are often north of 100 lbs and his character witness talked about how the guy would lift them over his head all day long. He was trying to show what a hard working guy his friend was but to me this seemed like the source of his back trouble. Also, I remember that they made a point out of how many times the doctor had testified in court cases like this, and I thought that he probably was known to the ambulance chasers as a guy who could win cases for them. So, I didn't believe that the wreck caused his injury.

Also, I remember how uninvolved and really uninterested the insurance company's attorney seemed. There were a lot of questions that I wished she would have asked. Since then, I have wondered if she really didn't care, or wasn't very personable, or was deliberately trying to avoid being a 'bad guy' for us to hate and was scared to come across as too aggressive.

So, after the case, the jury meets and there are basically me and two other working type people who say 'No way should he get any money', and a young girl who has never had a real job, maybe a teacher or something, and I remember a guy who seemed like what we call the 'laptop class' now and probably two others who were determined to stick it to the insurance company and didn't care anything about how he got hurt they just wanna throw dollars at him.

We argued for most of a day and I went home and realised how much I didn't like spending all day in the jury. So the next day we went back and fought for justice, to make sure that the Big Bad Evil Insurance Company didn't have to pay for something that really they weren't responsible for but there wasn't much fight. To me, it was decided by the fact that the Social Justice Redistribution Team really didn't have anywhere else that they wanted to be and the Let's Fight for the Truth Team wanted to go back to their families and jobs and we really weren't motivated at all to make sure that the insurance company got to keep their money. Sad. He wound up getting a half million dollars.

And then we had to hear a short spiel on why he should also get attorney's fees. This is the only place where there was a little bit of justice. I had been taking notes and proved that he saw his lawyer before he went to the doctor. This bit of evidence seemed to turn the tide and he was not awarded attorney's fees. I am ashamed to this day that I didn't fight harder.

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A true tale of the reason America and your village are the way they are. I coincidentally have jury duty next week. My intent is to be a fully informed jurist and work to ensure fair trial and a just verdict in accordance with my beliefs and conscience. Fija dot org. If you don't stand for justice who will ? voi dire is a rigged jury, and kangaroo courts. Jury annulment of a law, a case, could prevent unjust judgements in victimless prohibited action lawsuits. If you, the people don't actively engage to control the system, who will? No one. The people have no plank to complain from because by silence and inaction they effectively became subjects, knaves, and slaves.Elections of messianic saviours won't cut it. Americans need to grassroot the end of wars and invasive politics and politicians. HR 899 should be common knowledge demanding an end to Unconstitutional departments of woke Education. Cognitive dissonance, lethargy, baseless fear, and lack of engagement. Declare Independence from unethical governments.

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I defended my democracy and all I got was this lousy tranny invasion.

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I am still having nightmares about a day wasted in a jury pool in small town America just outside of Atlanta. Apparently, a young girl was charged with a drug offense.

It would seem as if every other person wanted air their dirty laundry for everyone to see. I stuck to my guns by repeatingly asking " where is the victim of the crime?"

The prosecutor, a very attractive lady., played dumb and mentioned drug laws.

I still asked whom was victimized? The attractive lady turned ugly in a second.

I saw the judge almost smile.

Our "servants" still made me wait all day to dismiss me.

On top of that, they gave me a credit card for payment and I mistakenly left it there.


Hopefully, they struck me off permenently.

I believe that at least 90 percent of the 80 citizens were willing to throw the book at this young lady.


I did get a smile from her though. That helped.

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“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great (Pax Americana) Whore! She has become a lair for demons and a haunt for every unclean spirit.. Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her (Courthouse Union of Folly and Vice), My people, so that you will not democratically share in her sins or contract any of her pandemic plagues. For her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Revelation 18:4

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...the issue isn't the "Goal" of true "Justice", but the ethics, integrity, structure and management of the "System". Corruption doesn't dilute the goal. Corruption is why the goal is necessary. How about some restructuring...eh? How about building a Law / Court System that is managed efficiently, ethically and with some ergonomic flexibility? How about a court system that segregates the tripe from the trivial? Someone trying to get $10,000 out of Walmart isn't the same as someone who's Civil Rights were violated by corrupt arrest, corrupt prosecution or other violations. Someone seeking justice in the secret Vaccine Court for a lifetime of pain, agony and cost associated with a mandated shot....is not the same as someone claiming they were injured in a 3 mile an hour rear-ender. Clear that up, and speed up those minor cases in a Court designed to settle simple stupid disputes. Separate the grifters from the real victims, insure legislatures do the same with their law after law after law mindset that creates such havens for abuse. Clean up the lower judiciary. There is no legitimate reason for the level of "appeals" and reversals of cases. If the law is the law...(aside from legitimate questions about the law)...then most judges should be rendering the correct verdicts and any appeal should be based on real questions of law, not the biases of the judges. A Judge can rule however they like, get reversed numerous times...and yet...nothing happens to them. Unless the Supreme Court is reading from different law books, or a different Constitution, most of these cases are easily answered by anyone who has passed 7th grade civics. The issues of jury selection and the wasted time of all involved can be cleaned up by segregating these cases into their simplest form....and giving each side the necessary, but limited time to file and be ready for trial. The trials should last only as long as it takes to present each sides view and provide evidence. No delays, no continuations....do the work, and eliminate the line of litigants. But do so ethically.

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"We are a nation of laws, not men." Cool story, bro'. But a nation of laws becomes a nation of lawyers, which is to say, a nation of laws becomes a nation of the worst kind of men.

Here in Michigan, people who "separated from employment" for refusing the Wuhan Flu jab are deemed terminated on account of "gross misconduct." Because a pension analyst who wisely declines an experimental vaccine launched under a fake pandemic is treated like a cab driver who fails to renew his chauffeur's license. Fired with cause, in other words.

This is law. This is logic.

As things stand right now, the "anti-vaxxer" doesn't just lose his job. He doesn't even qualify for unemployment benefits. Even as our infinitely wise solons house and feed undocumented migrants crossing our southern border.

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I was recently summoned to jury duty. I am a few weeks short of 73 and Michigan law says the cut off age is 70. But it seems that some federal district courts can use any age they want. What the hey? Anyway, I got out of having to appear by using their covid spital against them because of their perceived idea that I am of higher risk since I am over 65. I might have not minded going, but it was a mask only environment and that I do not want to be involved with.

I had to go to jury duty about 4 years ago in my small town and was released without having to serve. I still got a $25 gift certificate for showing up. How sweet of them.

Furthermore, over 10 years ago, I spent an entire month in Detroit on jury duty for a 3 person murder trial...all relatively younger teens. It was quite interesting but not satisfying as only 1 out of the 3 perps were convicted even though the evidence was clear there were 2 shooters and one set up man. Sure, I was paid a small amount but figure I lost about $4,000 of income that month.

Yes, I think there are far too many frivolous lawsuits. But I hear there is a bill in Florida that would lessen the law towards bring able to sue for defaming someone or for libel and slander. Meaning that it could become a free-for-all if say on social media you called fauci or gates a d*ckhead, he could come after you with an army of attorneys.

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