Feb 18Liked by RT: Restoring Truth

We must live on the same block, or else your world looks a lot like mine. I thought I was the only one thinking such things. Well, not really, but it sure seems that way sometimes. I believe there is still good hope for us, but now there is a cost that will be required. Maybe the cost has always there, and now we get it. Good insights. Thank you.

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Feb 19Liked by RT: Restoring Truth

Everyone's on your block Joe. Here in Minnesota it's burning straight down.

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Feb 19Liked by RT: Restoring Truth

Good article. The liberals hollow-out everything they touch, and it usually starts with them changing the meanings of words. The is readily apparent in theology and the Christian religion, which they have ruined. The book, Christianity and Liberalism, pointed this out one-hundred years ago. The church is now a ruin.

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Feb 18Liked by RT: Restoring Truth

Satan's greatest accomplishment is convincing us he doesn't exist~The Eternal Promise of God himself will survive to build again, how is yet to be determined. While the public is awake, their normalcy bias is screaming at them. I know mine is. I have let myself go through crying jags, panic attacks and anger, and I finally try to come out of that with strong resolve to stand strong. The closer the threat gets, I appreciate my loved ones and life itself that much more. I don't think anyone really knows how they're going to react once the threat is in their backyard. But I think pushing that reality away is just begging to get sucker-punched in the wee hours. Simple strategies have won great battles. The time to accept, grieve and plan is now~

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"Satan's greatest accomplishment is convincing us he doesn't exist"

It's interesting that many people cite "satan" or "satanic" things, but deny Christ and often his existence. The irony is that they're both part of the same philosophical paradigm.

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Most people use all such terms very loosely and without any connection to their spiritual weight--a symptom of the overall decline of the "religious" life (I hate that term, but I'm referring to the overall commitment to spiritual truths.) . They say, "Thank God," while caring very little to know Him, or remarks that the deceased are "in a better place now" without believing that there is a "worse" place.

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Feb 19Liked by RT: Restoring Truth

"The crazy doesn’t stay in Washington, either; everywhere you go, you’re greeted with..."

And what is first on the list of signs of decay?

"the stench of weed"

Poor baby! May your nostrils never be offended again.

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Thank you for making me feel young, and for your well-wishes. It's highly unlikely that blessing will be realized in this world, though!

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What's strange is the number of people that claim to be "awake," yet that work in/for the very institutions that are undermining us which includes them.

What's happening is hardly without the fault and greedy acquiescence of most people.

i.e., it's entirely incongruous to work for the CIA, FBI, the "Educational" system, military contractors, governments generally speaking, the medical community, Big-Pharma, almost any Big-Corp, et al. and complain about what's going on.

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Counterpoint: By working for government, one is refusing to fund them with their tax dollars. Starve the beast.

Hence those institutions' recent obsession mandates, struggle sessions, and ideological purity tests.

Feed them nothing until they wither and die.

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Folks, this is a Biblical problem. It has been building for hundreds of years and we are about to get the Biblical solution.

Jeremiah 35:15

“I have sent also unto you all my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, [Multiple Times] saying, Return ye now every man from his evil way, and amend your doings, and go not after other gods to serve them, and ye shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers: but ye have not inclined your ear, nor hearkened unto me.“

Go to sermon audio.com find the series how God destroys nations by Pastor John Weaver

You’ll see America in there.

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Ok, Thank you.

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Well we don't have to guess at his divine prerogative--Famine, beasts, sword and pestilence are promised. I would avoid confusing the world's hated disposition toward Christians, with God's promised judgment or reprieve upon the nation for its evil doing. Unless you know a Christian as great as Job , Noah or Daniel, promised judgment or reprieve will fall upon all without regard to belief or salvation.

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You are correct that we may suffer in the earthly judgments, but those who are truly in Christ are not condemned---that is what I mean by "civilization will burn, but we will not." It doesn't mean we never experience the consequences of our or others' sin, but as believers we will not experience the ultimate punishment for sin--Christ has already done that for us.

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First, "Watching it burn down" is the opposite of taking dominion as commanded by God.

Second, we will all go down with the ship, Christians too. Christians don't have an escape hatch to survive cultural collapse. Read Ezekiel 14:14.

14 even if these three men—Noah, Daniel[a] and Job—were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign Lord.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Author

I think you may be taking the idea a bit too literally. Certainly Christians are not to stand around watching the world go down in flames as a daily practice of laziness or despair. Far from it. However, we still must remember that this world--its values, its treasures, its intrigues, etc.--will be destroyed. Believers will not. That's the point. We still live, work, pray, and evangelize because we are commanded to and because we want others to know the beautiful gift of redemption through Christ and Christ alone. We don't run for the hills or hide out in a bubble. But are we still observing--watching--the world collapse under the weight of its evil? Yes, we are. The idea is that we must sometimes stop and remember that no human institutions in this world will remain unscathed by evil, but the gates of hell will not prevail against God's advancing kingdom. The world system burns, but we do not if we are citizens of heaven. That's not an escape hatch, but rather the promise for those who are in the kingdom of God.

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Do you think Ezekiel 14:12-20 is being applied today; that all Christians will suffer and are now suffering in equal measure as our neighbors, as society burns down?

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I do believe Christians will (and already do) suffer. We are being conformed to the image of Christ, who suffered. We will share in suffering, but also in glory! The purpose of our suffering will differ from that of the worldling; While we may suffer various degrees of persecution or endure the same, common sufferings as nonbelievers (which we obviously do--sickness, death, economic hardship, etc.), we know that our suffering is temporary and working for us an eternal glory. God works our suffering--even the evils--for his kingdom purposes. This great hope should motivate every believer to share the good news of salvation with all who struggle under the world's many discouragements. God's kingdom is expanding and conquering--but scripture plainly and clearly teaches that we who are being conformed to Christ's image will be despised and hated, just as he was. To what degree and in what fashion we endure such suffering--that is God's divine prerogative.

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and one other remark--the "true" church is full of redeemed sinners. God's people commit sins of omission and commission. We suffer the consequences of foolishness, too. Repentance must begin at the house of God. At the same time, the wholesale rejection of God's truth is mostly definitely behind the larger society's many ills. Society is only made up of many individuals and their decisions...which begin in the heart.

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