Jan 19Liked by RT: Restoring Truth

Excellent post and totally agree. I have about as much regard for "experts" as I do for "influencers"....pay-to-play or not. My only influencer I trust is JESUS CHRIST, God, and the Holy Spirit!

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Amen Deborah. I renewed my relationship with the Lord two years ago after a couple of decades of going my own way and living only for myself. Your words are true and God has opened my eyes to the supremacy of his wisdom and has given me understanding. I trust in Him alone.

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"Our fruitless experts have only proved what Augustine wrote long ago: our hearts are restless until they rest in him."

My favorite Augustine quote: "Faith comes by hearing, but understanding comes from knowledge and knowledge comes by sight."

Frankly, I know too many churchians whose reliance on faith is unbiblical - relying on some magic process without even minimal effort to gain knowledge - thus literally negating Hosea’s declaration: "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge!"

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It is a shame when faith is approached as some lazy add-on to life. I'm happy to say that my church has always encouraged believers to love God with their minds, as well. Some denominations are lazier in this respect than others. The reformed tradition has a deep history of beautiful writings, creeds, confessions, etc., that has been formative for me.

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After doing some research on Hosea, I posted this in December,

2022 in DaLimbraw Library - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/12/hosea-to-priests-and-pastors-do-your-job.html?m=0 - it was an era in Israel very similar to ours in wealth and culture. Hosea addressed all of it.

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Whether mastering ourselves or the mastering the violin, we have to be willing to suffer, to spend a lot of time on the boundary between conscious incompetence and conscious competence. But, it will be good suffering. Avoidance of good suffering leads to bad suffering. So since suffering of one kind or the other is inevitable, it makes sense to choose good suffering. But, speaking for myself, I can't choose good suffering without divine help.

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Just a couple of days ago, Vox Day posted an item where someone used his bookshelf as a prop behind him on Zoom calls for obvious reasons.

It prompted me to recall something from my library which I sent to family and friends: READ. READ. READ.......and keep READing.

If you’re intellectually fulfilled by sitting in an office or a classroom, you’re literally retarded. - Vox Day

https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-height-of-ignorance-when-it-becomes.html?m=0 - and in that process, if you’re maturing as a Christian - Hebrews 5:11-6:2 - your ability to discern good from evil is a promise from the writer of Hebrews.

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