That is one fabulous essay. I love it. Thanks for writing and posting it. (Tho' the mention of Augustine reminds me of Calvin and Calvinism which I judge to be very bad soteriology).

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Ha! Well, I think can still agree in spirit, Calvinism aside! Seriously, I appreciate you encouragement very much. Sometimes when I send writing into the great unknown, I wonder if it will resonate at all. Your words encourage me to keep at it!

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I don't know where my comment went but again I say your essay is so good.

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As it was in the deluded democratic days of Noah…So likewise, in this Orwellian Digital Age, none of the digitally-marked chattel that are enslaved within Socialism’s abominable Security System likes God’s theocratic designs for eternal order. Those who chafe at its infinite boundaries want their own finite version of carnal-minded reality—a utopian humanistic world of many genders, redistributed wealth, Pro-Choice eugenics, and the Social Justice Gospel’s pluralistic truth. They are the Devil’s accursed children of darkness and live on a planet that exists only in their demented corporate mind. For this reason God sends them a powerful Socialistic delusion so that they will believe the deadly lie of Eden’s Serpent. 2 Thessalonians 2:11

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Beautiful. Well-written and true. A lot of conservatives talk about how the Left tells the truth about themselves in ways that are I guess sneaky or whatever you want to call it. But what do you suppose we should melake of them carrying around the Sign of the Covenant-the Rainbow? If it wasn't an entirely gracious covenant, I would say that they were binding their judgment more tightly to themselves, not sure if that is possible with the Noahic Covenant, it seems very much like provoking the Lord of the Covenant though, but will it provoke Him to Grace or Justice?

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I think the left does do a lot of things that tell on themselves--such as, most notably, being called "the left". We never know who, in the end, will have their eyes opened to truth, but their adopted symbol is certain a provoking, but not surprising, affront to God.

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Mar 20, 2023
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Those are interesting questions, and they matter very much. I firmly do not believe that society, without re-orienting itself to the truth of God, is being renewed in any kind of spiritual or helpful sense; but I do believe God's promise to one day make "all things new." Here is the crux of the matter, for all those who aren't certain about who God is, or the gospel message of creation, the fall, and redemption: If the gospel isn't true, then it doesn't matter at all, not even a bit. If it is true, then it's the most important thing in the world--a paraphrase of C.S. Lewis's thoughts

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