Excellent article and we all hurt for Israel. Just as we would hurt for any other terrorized people. One thing though, and that is that it's incorrect to equate Israeli residents, ancestor wise, with the Israelites of Scripture. There are no, there are zero, DNA ancestral links between the two peoples. And no spiritual links either. Present day "Israel" is by and large a full-out atheist country. Many of whom take an active, even hostile dislike to the "false Messiah, Jesus." (The Orthodox worship a god of their own choosing.) And it's a huge dividing line. Christianity is tolerated there only because of the positive vibes and subsequent good press generated by American Christians who have been taught to believe there is an ancestral and spiritual link. And who send and spend a lot of money.

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Thank you for your comments, and I agree with them. I do not equate all of them with the Israelites of scripture. But, wether we like it or not, we have a nation called "Israel" that includes the geographic places, people, and history that the Bible has referred to repeatedly. Since the Bible is God's inspired word, I know He was completely aware of the entire timeline of human history, yet it was written as it is. I have a non-religious Israeli friend whose parents live in Jerusalem, and he has taught me some things that are consistent with what you said. You are correct that a large amount of Israel is "culturally" Jewish but non-observant, or even atheistic. The historic "Israel" and the spiritual "Israel" do not represent the exact same population because Jews reject Jesus. Nonetheless, Israel and Jerusalem occupy a geographic importance in the Bible in both testaments. Some things are unknown, mysterious, and yet to be understood, but those are God's words, not mine. I appreciate your commentary and agree that our various misunderstandings about the "links" may give Israel favor, but nonetheless, God has promised them some degree of favor--a mystery to all of us.

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This is the KEY to the entire situation. Thank you Mr. Jones for stating it so well!

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The Israelis have legitimate interests and grievances. The Palestinians have legitimate interests and grievances. Ever talk to a Palestinian Christian? We have our share in metropolitan Detroit. They aren't woke, yet they mourn the Nakba, too.

Individual Americans have legitimate interests and grievances, too. The U.S. is a dilapidated house. It has no business fixing houses abroad.

Modern-day conservatives leave me scratching my head. They argue U.S. politicians are too stupid and dangerous to run a daycare center. Then they turn around and insist these same cretins run a globe-encircling military empire.

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The Zionists let Hamas attack to trigger blood lust for the genocide of Gaza, in similar fashion to VP Cheney's stand down of NORAD on 9-11-01.

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Israel was created by Zionist, American and Euro communists, not God. Give me a break, you don’t know squat about Israel. While I don’t support Hamas or really Palestine either, a popular vote for Hamas and you vote for Israel, stupid sheep….

Israel razed villages and killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians between 1948 and and 1970, for God huh? Give me a break you fools.

Hamas is Mossad, it was created to thwart the PLO by the same communists, Israeli and US. Then the communists decided Hamas would become the bad guy terrorists, more wars is more money for the cabal.

Prove me wrong, really, prove me wrong. God is not about killing others in the name of your f-Ed up religions. He is about love and peace and all humans, not about government or the state or communists.

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You demonstrated the point of the article with your response. Is Israel getting under your skin? It seems so, and that is the odd nature of this tiny nation.

Aside from that, I would agree with you that God is not "about" governments or states or communists." In fact, he is also not about pizza parlors, clothing, or fun vacations. He is all about how we conduct ourselves in all of life's arenas. He gave us his word to reveal to us his character and his laws, and best of all, his plan to redeem sinful but repentant people from sin's ultimate penalty.

However, Jesus did not come to bring peace to earth, which he said himself in Matthew 10:34--"I came not to bring peace, but a sword." He came to bring the "sword" of division, the gospel, the "way, the truth, and the life" that cleanly separates nonbelievers from believers. He also called some of the Jews children of the devil. Jews, and the nation state of Israel are not exempted from the call of the gospel. Jesus was about the work of God's kingdom, not man's, but that didn't excuse us from living our lives in a way that pleases God in the earthly kingdoms we inhabit.

Those who place their righteous standing in Jesus' own sacrifice are God's people now--including Jews and non-Jews (of every nation!) who admit their sinful hopelessness and accept the blood sacrifice of Christ as their only path to a relationship with God. It is a divisive and offensive claim to many.

In scripture, God has placed Israel and Jerusalem n a conspicuous position in prophecy (such as the creation of the state of Israel, a fulfilled prophecy, and the nations converging on Jerusalem) as well as in his redemptive plan for "the rest of us". In Bethlehem, as prophesied around 1000 years before in the Old Testament, God took on flesh to enter our broken world and reveal the "mystery" of his redemptive plan.

Nobody knows exactly how God will orchestrate the details of the story He presented in his word. But the Bible tells us that the spiritual "Israel" he claims as his children includes the "gentiles" who have been grafted in through their faith in Jesus. There will be Jews who accept Jesus as their promised Messiah, but many will reject him; there will be all sorts of people who reject him for a number of reasons, and there will be people from the father corners of the globe who respond to him. As a "gentile," I am thankful that a God made a way for me to know him, too.

Grace and peace.


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No, Israel is not under my skin, the side choosing and stupidity of most that choose for reasons that are ignorant about the past, is slightly agitating isn’t it?

I have been there, to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, as well as northern Israel, everyone I met I liked. The people aren’t the state obviously. Are they subject to Gods will, yes, and they are failing just as we all are. Being religious and believing in a Bible or Jesus is fine, it gives no one the right to be sanctimonious and blather their words as being more knowing that anyone else, it is more than agitating also.

Look, you didn’t refute my points, so that is curious, but let me reread your article and see if I missed something to your first point.

You are not a bad person because you believe in Christ, that wasn’t my point. Did you want to address the creation of the state of Israel? Did you want to address the killing of innocents by Israel? Did you want to address any of my points? Hamas bad, we agree, killing innocent people is always bad.

Your entire response, other than the first sentence, wrong, and second paragraph, which I agree with for the most part but irrelevant imo, was your interpretation of a bible you believe is the word of God, it isn’t to me and billions of other folks, you must be right and them, not so much…

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Israel is not sinless. Neither is any nation. As I stated in the essay, there are many geopolitical factors that, in the end, will not change what the Bible has said about human nature, redemption, and yes, historical events that are both prophetic and, as you observe, complex.

But ultimately, the nations are at God's disposal to accomplish his purposes, whether in their cooperation with his laws or in their rebellion. You are correct that I believe the Bible to be God's word, and that many others disagree with that. As a result, there are necessarily some irreconcilable differences in worldviews, and notably between ours. I do appreciate your taking the time to explain your viewpoint, differences aside.

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I reread your article and now I see who you are, being religious is a good thing for most people. Yes, we have differences that aren’t worth arguing about, I agree.

You still didn’t address my valid points about who created Israel, their murderous past, and how you can reconcile God and Israel being anything more than Bible reference you think is somehow important. Israelis today are not from the Hebrews of the Bible, I believe Israelis were mentioned in the Bible, not the same folks either. They are Zionist refugees, nothing more. Israel is more atheist than religious by the way, you know that right? Tel Aviv is a cess pool of homosexuals and drug users, you know that don’t you? And Jerusalem is a very complex place, Christian, Muslim, Orthodox Jewish and Armenian Christian’s all living on top of each other and hating each other, I have been there and it is not a holy place unless you are a fanatic.

Take care please and do some research outside of the Bible, I used to be catholic, and then Christian, now I just believe in a higher power. Religions are cults, nothing more, led by leaders who are all lower than their followers, yet they are still revered, cults.

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And BTW, of your not going to try to learn the truth, them at least change the title of your blog to RL: Regurgitating Lies

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You still haven't answered his questions.

Will you answer mine?

Mine should take you a few minutes to look up and answer. Tops. Use the World Jewish Encyclopedia, they have it.

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I'd like to know how this shill piece even got into Lew Rockwell. They need some better content gatekeepers there apparently.

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That reads mindlessly as if it's straight from the Scofield Study Bible. Try being original of your going to write publicly.

Your views are heretical and it's clear that you're a product of some social clubs that's masquerading as part of the true church, which is not bounded by walls, church constitutions, or donations/collections. Nor does it have a 501(c) designation. One has to question to what does an organization that does have a 501(c) designation have to be loyal to primarily. HINT: It's not God and Christ. If the last three years didn't make that clear to someone, them they're lost.

Sidenote question for you, let's see if you're brave enough to answer it.

How many Jews were in Germany prior to the start of WW II?

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Why the personal attacks?

No body forced you to read the article.

It is in line with history, current events and Scripture.

If one does not hold that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, consider it a history book.

It has never been proven wrong.

Those taking issue with RT are the ones who lack an understanding of Scripture.

All of his points are based in Scripture, he is just not giving the reference.

If anyone is interested in who the Jews really are,

listen to the sermons by pastor John Weaver on sermon audio. com.

Find him in the speakers then search page for

Who is Israel.

Also listen to

Where we are and how we got here.

God does indeed raise up nations and He says so in His Word.

All history is God’s history.

Habakkuk 1

“6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not their's.“

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The attack was on his content, which no, sorry to say it's anything but truthful or honest.

Notice he also didn't answer my questions. He seemed to be skilled at that. Anyone that personally refuses to defend his position creates his own issues.

Do you want to take a crack at them?

Or is asking questions in follow-up considered offensive in your view?

Otherwise, why don't you engage me, since you seem to be very attracted to truth, on some incredibly simple things that shouldn't offend anyone much less be considered attacks.

I'd wager that I can quite easily prove a level of cognitive dissonance in you that you didn't even realize existed.

So how about it?

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37, 37, 37,

I found myself back here because I wanted to chase out some of the links posted and saw your response to my comment.

I think I’ve read everything you wrote and yes, you are personally attacking RT.

It appears the question you keep harping on is the first act of terror in this area of the world.

Now the word terror and how it is used today is a word intended to control people’s reactions and the narrative. It is used much like conspiracy theorist, racist, holocaust denier, truther, anti-Semite, and recently, anti-Ver and Covid denier.

My answer to your question is the first act of terror was when Cain took a rock and bashed in the brains of Abel.

Most of what goes on that is tagged as an act of terror is really just a small act of war.

If it’s a big event, like fire bombing Tokyo, bombing cities such as Dresden, London,

and many others.

Or if you’re using artillery in cities, such as Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston, and Columbia, or starving people by destroying their food supply, as was done to the Southern people, systematically killing the buffalo and taking peoples stored food, crops and seeds, as Russia did in the Ukraine, it is not called an act of terror, but an act of war.

When you don’t have much to work with you use what you have.

You mentioned the Talmud a number of times even referenced it as the Babylonian Talmud.

The Talmud was a bunch of writings that the Levites wrote to explain how things were to be done to obey the law, and Jesus reference these when He said to the Sanhedrin that they load men up with burdens.

I recall a sermon where the pastor said they were sent like four chapters, explaining how to properly wash a pot.

One of the most known rules is doing work on the Sabbath.

those really dedicated to the law would not walk across grass on the Sabbath for fear their foot would dislodge a seed and they were therefor be guilty of threshing.

I am told that to this day lights are turned on prior to the beginning of the Sabbath and elevators are set to run an automatic or non-Jews are paid to operate them so that those practicing the Law don not have to push a button or flip a switch on the Sabbath, which they fear this constitutes doing work.

Did you listen to the sermon series I referenced?

The first sermon on who is Israel has 38 scriptural references.

Whether somebody thinks the Jews occupying Israel are God’s people or not there is a people there, that the world calls Jews and Israelites.

I’ve often asked if they’ve got their own land, why don’t we see them following the true Law of God?

When they got the upper hand in the 50s, why did not they do what God told them to do when they originally came into the promised land, and totally eradicate the pagan people living there?

Every time they fail to do that they live with the consequences.

Every time they failed to follow God’s law they were taken into bondage.

That 70 years they went to Babylon, interesting how there’s no historical record that they ever practiced the observance of the Sabbath year and allowed the land to rest and their body to rest every seventh year for the previous 490.

That would’ve been 70 Sabbath years and they were in captivity for 70 years.

I haven’t been to your website or going to the other link you provided, but since you challenge me to answer your question, I will do so.

You do not appear to be a Christian, or believe that the Bible is inspired word of God.

You do not appear to believe that God owns the cattle on 1000 hills that the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, and by extension, all people are His to do with as He pleases.

If God wants me to live through the trouble that is coming, so be it.

I am prepared to do so in mind, body, and spirit.

If a group of these people from the terrorist countries and on the watchlist that have been allowed to come across our border

catches me by surprise and I’m killed, so be it. I’m gonna be in heaven before my body stops twitching.

It says, in His Word, that the righteous is taken away and no man takes it to heart, that the righteous is taken away to avoid the trouble to come.

There are several examples in scripture, where God told a man he would live to a ripe old age, but afterward his kingdom would fall.

I do not fear death at all because I trust in the blood of Jesus Christ and accept that blood as the payment for my sins.

For there is no remittance of sin except by the shedding of blood.

Prior to the death of Christ that blood came from animals, symbolic of Christ, animals that were perfect without blemish, which means symbolically without sin.

After the death of Christ and the shedding of his blood on the cross, animal sacrifices were of no value going forward.

Christ died once for all and his blood is available to any who will believe and except it.

The same was true in the old testament any who wanted to proselyte into the Jewish faith, could do so, and we see Rahab, the harlot, and Ruth more bite in the bloodline of Christ.

The Romans utterly destroyed the Jewish people, all of the records and the city of Jerusalem. The writings of Josephus describe the city as unrecognizable as ever having been a city. As Christ foretold of the Temple, not one stone was left upon another.

What we call the old city and the west wall or rebuilt years later there is no original Jerusalem.

Don’t bother responding to me until you’ve listen to the sermons that I put in my last post.

Many is the man who set out to prove the Bible false, and after careful study has become a Christian when he realized the Bible is true from front to back.

What some call errors ares errors of understanding, and translation of words that we do not use understand.

My Bible is full of hand written notes in the margin with the original word from which things were translated.

For example, baptized is not translated it is transliterated.

Understanding of other things have been corrupted

Such as Romans chapter 13, but that’s a whole nuther issue

I’ll check out your website and your link.

But, I’m severely brainwashed by Scripture and any cognitive dissonance I have in that regard I want more of it.

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And by the way, I'll throw you a bone, but the Talmud refers to Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a whore, Jesus a bastard child, and Christ eternally wallowing in excrement in hell as they describe it.

THAT'S what you align yourself with by CHOOSING to align with Dispensationalism. Deliberate or not, ignorant or not, that CHOICE is yours.

You seem more concerned with upholding your agenda however. I was there once, in your very shoes. The difference between us, I questioned.

What was that Jesus said about SEEKING again ...

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BTW Brutus,

FYI ...

John Weaver is a Dispensationalist. Dispensationalism is a Zionist funded heresy put forth by C.I. Scofield in the interests of Talmudic Judaism. That's the brand and flavor of antichristianity mentioned in the New Testament as a danger for true followers of Christ, and something that they are sternly warned to avoid any association with.

You obviously see it differently. That's a matter between you and God. But it's beyond clear that your research in the matter, which includes associations to the questions that I asked, is minimally superficial.

As I'd mentioned, if the blind want to remain blind, they will.

The matter is between you and God, not between you and I.

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Well, I'll start by saying that since you say that you did read my post, you either ignored a relevant word in it or just went ranting on your merry way with your modern Zionist agenda as sponsored by the heretical social clubs called "churches" in our world.

You can believe me when I say I've heard it all from these so-called pastors that you reference, and no, there's reason to listen to it all again. I understand already the [false] basis for EVERYTHING that you wrote.

Also, gotta love the "I must not be a Christian" thing/angle, while coming out as holier than thou. ; ) It didn't go unnoticed.

The word you missed is "modern." Cain/Abel, sorry, while befitting your John Hagy wolf-in-sheep's-clothing narrative, is not modern.

Otherwise, it's beyond clear that your knowledge of history of the region, PARTICULARLY as it pertains to the creation of the socio-political nation of Israel sorely lacks major context as well as historical facts.

Otherwise, you did not in fact answer the question, so therefore there's no need to continue.

Like most people posing as true followers of Christ, and I make no judgement on you as such, merely the association part of it, you drive a Zionist agenda that is on the opposite side of the tracks from the teachings of Christ. That's on you and for you to resolve. None of my business other than in the context of the discussion.

Your selective ignorance and minimally superficial research on the Talmud and its implications is disturbing for someone claiming to be a follower of Christ. Paul came from that side, so to align yourself as you have, you align with Saul (Paul's original name) affiliation. He makes that clear at numerous points within the NT. But you know that, right?!

Ignorance is a choice. Don't forget that.

There's no need to continue this. If people want to wilfully remain blind, they will. That too is a choice.

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The first bit of sanity I have read. It's been very disappointing to read authors I had developed respect for during Covid blathering on about Big Bad Israel and the poor widdle oppressed Pals.

And not a word of concern for the Jews living or dead.

And this from two ostensibly Jewish writers, Helena Glass on Wordpress and Celia Farber on Substack.

It isn't changing anyone though, my reality based replies get plenty of upvotes.

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Yes, I was disappointed too!

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Question: What was the first act of modern terrorism in what today is Israel?

Who orchestrated and conducted it?

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Good luck with that...

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No, no luck at all.

Fully documented. Do you know what it is?

It might be a good thing for you to know given your position.

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Also, it might be good for you to take a look at America's Frontline Doctors today, particularly the series of articles regarding China Joe's attempt to maintain the corrupt Israeli Judiciary.

Good stuff to know for someone assuming your position.

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I was familiar with frontline doctors when they first began.

I was the only one I know telling everyone exactly what PSYOP19 was straight out of the gate, literally from the minute it began. I'm not new to this.

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I did not refer to Covid-19.

I am talking about the truth telling on Israel.

It directly opposes the Jew Hate Propaganda posing as truth on this board.

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Telling me it is documented is pointless.

Document it, don't talk about it being documented.

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So you support Talmudists then. Noted. That's my point. But then don't claim that "Judeo-Christian," by implication of defending those that do, isn't oxymoronic.

Why is it pointless to insist that something is fully documented, everywhere, is?

Why won't you answer the question?

See, this is the problem, everyone blathering about their worldview while having believed a lifetime worth of lies. I'm here to challenge that, but I see that you're more interested in the intellectual convenience of not disrupting your existing world view.

So in that vein, by YOUR choice, not mine, you refuse to answer a few simple questions that wouldn't take more than a few minutes to research, and as such there's no reason to engage further since you are averse to incovenient facts.

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Another "Big Event" to divert, redirect and change the narrative. All of them have been tragic. That is the point. Towers don't fall neatly into their basement footprint from an upper level fire. Libya wasn't bombed into oblivion for human rights violations. Covid wasn't anything close to a natural occurrence and the shots are neither safe nor effective. Mankind has reached an apex of hubris and the world as we know it is over. All we can do is pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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The blueprint and satanic perps behind this are identical to the ones behind that.

There's a reason why "the Dancing Israelis" were set up ahead of time with video equipment to "document the event."

We're so stupid and unawake that apparently we're going to fall for it again.

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"(O)ne of the world’s most elite military and intelligence forces" was ordered to stand down like NORAD was on 9-11-01.

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Your views of the history of the region and understanding of what Israel actually stands for differ wildly from Solzhenitsen's!

As well, your use of the term "Judeo-Christian" is oxymoronic, as the term is.

Unless if course you equate the interests of the Talmud with that of the New Testament. Are you even remotely familiar with Talmudic teachings? Even many Jews are counter to them, there a huge rift in fact. Anyway, it certainly doesn't seem so. Perhaps educate yourself on that anti-Christian belief system before writing things to the contrary.

The Talmud preaches antichrist doctrines through and through. Among them that Mary, Christ mother was a whore! You believe that? "Judeo-Christian"? It preaches that for Christ as well as his followers, although he warmed use that they would hate us because they hate him.

Not too mention, of the atrocities that you mention early in your piece, most have been indisputably disproven.

Don't we have enough lies out there such that we don't need more.

Do more research before writing. You write well, but your knowledge is more fiction than non-fiction.

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Rome and Jerusalem have shaped the worldviews and habits of Western Civilization, and that's what I'm referring to with the term "Judeo-Christian," which has been widely used by many people when describing the general idea of Western values. This essay is far from a comprehensive view of the Talmud, Hamas, or the political intrigues that have shaped the Middle East. Instead, this a 30,000 foot view of the response primarily in the West, including the cast of characters that predictably frowns when the interests of Israel are involved. I'm sure Christians in the United States are largely ignorant of the details of conflicts overseas, but I do not believe the atrocities are fictional. Regardless of the details and the histories behind them, or of the ignorance you attribute to my essay, it is undeniable that the world's sympathies typically align along the invisible line of which I speak--and it is remarkable that God has placed this small country and its complexities at the center of redemptive history as well. I attempt nothing more than to discuss that.

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Once again you refused to answer the question, merely another different.

So you support the Talmud and what it peaches then?

Are you a paid by the feds by chance?

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No, I'm a "robbed by the feds," though.

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Any reason you don't care to answer questions challenging your false views?

I can understand if you're afraid that you'll be proven wrong, but how about at least saying that.

Isn't there enough nonsense out there online? Why do you insist on being an integral part of it?

Why are you afraid of historical facts?

Either answer the questions or quit interacting. It's your choice if you want to support Talmudic anti-Christ philosophies, but don't expect those that realize that to allow you to do it without challenge.

BTW, I'm the second person that I've seen, whom you refuse to engage on facts. Facts that I'll let you find on your own for that matter, nothing that I'm going to spoon feed you like you've been fed to date.

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My views aren't "false" just because you disagree. I've presented the picture as seen from my perspective as a Christian living in the United States whose core beliefs may differ from yours. You are welcome to your opinion, which you have already stated in detail, and I appreciate your passion for the topic.

However, no matter what good or bad events actually created the picture we see in Israel today, there is no disputing that there is something about Israel that is divisive, both spiritually (the "true" Israel of scripture and its grafted-in members, versus the historic nation of Israel or the modern state of Israel) and politically--and often the two facets in combination. Whether or not those polarized sympathies are informed by the catalog of facts you have stored in your head, the divide persists. There are those who favor supporting Israel, and there are those who do not.

I am hardly the first person to write about that, and despite having written about it this week, I am likely less intrigued by it than you are at this point. If you are looking for a debate partner, I am the least likely candidate, and you will find little to satisfy this hobby on my Substack.

Since I've concluded my discussion of Israel, I must bid you, very sincerely, "shalom".

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You've presented you opinions, sans a shred of evidence.

You also haven't even bothered trying to substantiate your opinions by answering a few simple little questions as posed by myself and another.

That's called polemical cowardice RT! Whomever you are.

I'll ask one more time:

What was the first modern act of terrorism in the Middle East?

How many Jews were in Germany prior to the onset of WW II?

Do you or do you not support the ideologies found in the Babylonian Talmud, the GO-TO source for the political types that control the nation of Israel?

Honestly, if you had a shred of integrity you could have fully researched and answered those most simple questions that obviously have clear answers in the times it's taken you to reply to me.

But no, you'd rather keep regurgitating your opinions, which you've based on nothing, just that, your opinions.

Honestly, you have one of the worst blogs I've ever seen, it's nothing but an outlet for your opinions.


Now, will you answer those questions, or will you remain a polemical coward?

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"I’m no expert on Arab-Israeli conflicts and their long history of boundary disputes."

Quite astounding that so many commentators feel obliged to posture on a subject about which they know absolutely nothing. I know barely the first thing about Israel or Palestine, or their history as peoples - and, quite frankly, it isn't my business to comment because it simply, as a white Christian European, isn't something which concerns me. Let the two sides thrash it out, and let us focus on our own troubles and strife. Do not presume that our misguided musings on such a topic hold any meaning or insight.

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I provided that disclaimer especially for this reason-- lovely readers like you . The whole world belongs to and concerns the Lord, and therefore its big stories intrigue me. I agree that my "musings" hold no special insights, as they are common among many who share my views. You found inspiration to add your two cents as well, which I always welcome.

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This depends on which side of the moral universalism vs. moral particularism debate one sits. No doubt you are on the side of the former, whereas I am on the latter.

The whole world does not belong the one i.e. our Lord; different ethnicities, races etc. across the world each have a metaphysical truth around which their culture and way of being revolve and from which they are derived. It's obvious to anyone with half an eye for detail that there are crossovers between many of these metaphysical truths, but that doesn't mean that the world can be - or indeed has ever been - united under one of these i.e. the belief in one Lord only. Neither does it mean that conflicts between the different ethnicities, each ardent in the belief that their metaphysical truth is "the one", will ever be resolved without violence and war, although we would much rather they were. Hence, where neither of the two warring parties is representative of mine, there is no point in endeavouring to favour either side or even opine as to what one or both should or should not be doing in their pursuits.

We have plenty enough to be worried about concerning our own people. Your insight and intellect is best aimed in that direction, and it would be extremely valuable.

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It’s not as bad as I originally felt about it, libertarians allow for freedom of everything, except harming of others etc. This article harms no one, regardless of what we think. Try reading the good citizen substack, I think you would both like it and learn something, I know I did….

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Like most everyone else, I've had my opinions......until being convinced by EVIDENCE that what I thought I knew.....ain't so.

Example, just yesterday I read this: "What this means is that very few Jews at the time of Christ had any of Abraham’s blood in them. They were a nation formed by covenant, not a race formed by blood. To be sure, Jesus Himself was a true blood descendant of Abraham, and His genealogy is important for theological reasons, but few other Jews could trace their genealogy to Abraham.

With the passing away of the Old Covenant, there is no longer any such thing as a Jew in the Biblical sense, unless by “True Jews” we mean Christians. There is no covenant, and therefore there is no nation, no “race.”

Read it all:


And if you're interested in dealing with your own ignorance - which I had to face 20 years ago - you can start here - www.crushlimbraw.com - the work begins and never stops. There's an entire library at your disposal.

Very simply, you will not learn much sitting in a classroom or church pew only. Jesus was very clear on that. The journey with Him is not endless repetition - Hebrews 5:11-6:2 - get to work!


......and here is a perfect example of what I try to do every day - READ - and I found this very informative article just today - https://www.unz.com/jfreud/its-disingenuous-to-say-the-west-has-no-dog-in-the-fight-between-jews-and-arabs-the-west-is-the-dog-the-problem-of-jewryanism-or-jewish-aryanism/ - it will help you to counter the 24/7 propaganda you will see on DaEveningNews.

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