All true but the truest is what you said at the end. The Bible is a very cryptic book. It peals back the onion layers to reveal the real truth on a need to know basis. At least I find it that way for myself. I find that if I'm not afraid to go down the rabbit hole as deeply as I dare, revelations start to become apparent. The truth I am currently aware of is darker and more sinister than most people realize. TPTB are playing with us. What is happening now is one Grand Satanic Theatre. Is Trump part of this? Most certainly~The Uniparty is alive and well, with good cop, bad cop taking the stage, Trump always being the good cop. It is my most hard core belief that he will be installed as president and schmooze his believers until they fall asleep again. Then, he will take us the rest of the way down. What's that age-old expression? "Katy, bar the door!" Time will tell, but the man is the false savior that Revelations reveals, again my opinion. What is the solution? Only God himself~

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What you said could indeed be true. But I would urge all evangelicals to vote for Trump. Then, if he turns out to be the Beast, well, I will not vote for him again!

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And that tells me the average mind-set of the general public=LOL!

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I am in Mensa. The "working man" is not dumb!

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Darlin' I have been a working woman since I was 16 and am now 72. The working man is indeed not dumb. I have worked along side many of them, men and women, factories and every butt-busting job you can imagine. But the general public, with exceptions tend to compartmentalize issues without looking at the big picture. And it's a very scary picture, so rationalizing and denying creates a softer reality to cope with. It's human nature. Not finding blame, just trying to inform. Just prepare for any possibility instead of getting caught by surprise. Your comment was funny and I appreciate your sense of humor~I am a Christian btw, so have a Blessed day James~

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And the big picture is, as Restoring Truth elicited... For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth. There is a right way. And we'd better heed that way or be faced with the imminent wrath of a God whose grace and longsuffering toward man has ended.

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"If you’re unlucky, a political candidate has also spammed you with unwanted and dramatic text messages, perhaps multiple per day."

I'm currently getting between 20 and 30 a day from the R's. All are frustrating, but one that asks in exasperation, "I've reached out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times. What is it going to take?" does amuse me slightly. I've read that Dems are the evil party, and Republicans are the stupid party. Who knows?

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Same. But they think my son has my phone. Queer.

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I'm in the same exact place re the inspiration to write. I look out at the world and just shake my head. What else can be said that hasn't already been said a thousand times -- and yet we're in a world I have almost no kind words for -- and that ain't great.

So. What to say? What to write?

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Yes! I've just written a piece that took great effort (though I'm not gifted a writer like RT). But I can't help but feel like I'm either preaching to the choir (as my unsaved husband quipped), or restating the same points. The populace are stunned by the repeated and aggressive assaults on our privacy and property but seem incapable of taking personal responsibility by not complying with the demands of our installed overlords. Nor will they turn to the Scriptures, rightly divided, to understand where we are in history. We are required to put on the full amour of God to fight this spiritual battle we are faced with. I'm in it constantly. But I have put on that amour, and by walking in the Spirit, I am making headway. Christ being the Head and myself, a member of His body.

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You cannot defeat an enemy that you are forbidden to speak about?

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