Blaming all the 'isms' is useless - it's like blaming termites for being termites and they won't listen to you anyways.

Here's the real question: How long will the millions of American and most of Western churchianity keep pretending to worship Jesus while actually serving DaSynagogue of Satan? Who dat?

Most folks - secular or churchian - don't even believe it exists. While Old Scratch has convinced the whole world that it doesn't exist - it literally runs the show by subterfuge and deception through the multiplicity of manifestations which we see and blame for our socio-economic problems. Old Scratch's best game is 'you and him go fight' - and we are his best suckers - just study history.

Think not? And before you jump out of your self-righteous pew or pulpit, read the evidence - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Churchianity+synagogue+satan&m=1 - all of them! That's just for starters.

I have been all of these - Russian hater, anti-communist, zionist neocon, end-time religionist......did I forget any?

It took me decades - yes, discovering truth and reality is a process - never an end state. And the hardest part is - it takes effort and perseverance - www.crushlimbraw.com - that's basically my story, right or wrong. That literally is the HARDEST part for most folks - they cannot admit they were wrong - thus disabling themselves from repentance.

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You know, there's a time to live and a time to die. A time to reflect and a time to defy. A time to study and a time to ignore. I, for one, have chosen to believe the word of truth delivered to us in a King James Bible that reveals the truth for this age. I'm going home soon, along with all those who have trusted the gospel of the grace of God, and I don't allow myself to dwell in frustration of that grace that's been offered to all the world without respect of person. The truth has been revealed in God's word and I've believed it. I can only write and extend that free gift as I've received and known it by studying that precious Book.

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Very well written! As Psalms 19 says "The fear of the Lord is clean, converting the soul". But the evil, pride and arrogance is the fear of something that was created by the Lord, namely death. The death of the body is not a question of if, but rather when. Jesus is the answer, but the whole world lies in wickedness because we seem to have failed for generations to teach the fear of the Lord, which is a reality to those who have been raised from dead on more than one occasion. We must keep our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith, come what may.

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We need more creative interpretations of the event known as the Atonement . The legalistic and mechanical Anselm-inspired theories do nothing for me.

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What does spiritual blindness have to do with electoral naivete?

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Vonu, that is an excellent question, and I wish I'd had more time to flesh that out. First, I want to point out that Christians are not immune to naïveté and foolishness, because Christians are still subject to the weakness of human nature. But those who are spiritually blind fall into even deeper dangers. The "blind" are unaware of spiritual truths about who God is---his character, his demands, and his redemptive mercy. Therefore, they are also insensitive to its finer implications for life --in relationships, education, the arts, and government, to name a few. Such people are less likely to spot lies and half-truths because they are, at the root, insensitive to the overarching and eternal truth. "In him we live and move and have our being," as Paul testified in Acts 17. Nonetheless, as I pointed out, even believers can fall for lies, so I must preach to myself as well!

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People are only blind to what they have not been enlightened to and quickened by God's Spirit to understand. We are told in 2 Tim 2:15 KJB to "study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.". If a wo/man would open the Book, study and believe it, he/she would not be ignorant of this truth. To rightly divide, is to know the difference between prophecy and the mystery. Romans thru Philemon completed The Book and is the doctrine for the church, the Body of Christ, for this age. It's all inspired and for us, but we must divide the grace age from the age of the law. Cheers!

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