Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

It is not a fear of God that God wants of us. God gave us free will and as sentient beings God has also set up Universal Natural Law to guide our behaviors with consequences for those behaviors. Fear God's binding and immutable Law. If in aggregate humanity acts morally the consequences are greater freedom and stability. If in aggregate humanity chooses to act immorally, on a sliding scale, then the consequences are greater chaos and slavery. All the transgressions of God's Law are a form of theft of other's God given rights. IE, Murder, the taking of life without just cause, Coercion, the taking of another's free will, Lying, the taking of another's ability to engage in informed decision making, assault, from poisoning to the physical attack, the taking of another's well being... and other tenets, they are all a form of theft

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You have hit the nail squarely on the head. I thunk and thunk and thunk about it, but I have nothing to add.

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The tyranny of ‘shoulds!’ I try to live by the axiom ‘all things in moderation,’ thinking that by doing so I will not another little quirky fear or preference into a false God. I choose to be grateful for every bite of food that comes my way (apart from those gel cap probiotics, they give me diarrhea and I have recovered about 3.5 seconds a day but not glugging them any longer.) I have ven convinced myself and several vulnerable loved one that Vitamin D is only soluble in the full fat versions of dairy, which by logic extends to ice cream.

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God says do not be afraid several hundred times in the Bible. It's a commandment.

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Then it is time to see some threat reduction in the same vein.

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You won't fear God until you recognize Him. I believe in Him, and it's a struggle. I fear God because my experiences showed me that He really does exist and runs everything. I fear getting out of synch with that because I found out the hard way that there are consequences. But my words shouldn't convince you of anything. Pastors, priests, rabbis, imams can preach until snow burns, but no one will cause you to believe. That you have to get on your own.

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"For He hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind."

"Cast all your cares upon HIm, for He careth for you."

What a mighty God, and compassionate to our every need, from moment to moment.

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Brits should never forget who brought them thalidomide.

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