Brilliant. Thank you.

OOPS! scratch that! Google-Gulag is recording...

Marc Mullie MD


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So basically adopt everything you hate to live a little bit longer and a little bit better while on this earth.

Become a compromiser.

The reason we have these problems today is because the world is full of compromisers, looking for comfort and acceptance, a world full of sheep, hoping the wolf will eat them last.

Do you honestly think that after supporting say Trump and conservative politics, that you’re going to flip a switch become a good little liberal, and all the history of your actu will just disappear?

No your number will come up.

The records are out there.

It’s just not safe for them to come for you yet as was pointed out by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

To not act against or at least, speak against evil, when appropriate, is to give tacit approval.

Consent by silence.

If you’re an atheist or anything but a Christian, this is probably what you should do.

Hide your faith, hide your morals, hide your principles.

Be like Groucho Marx, in his humorous statement, “These are my principles, but I have others.”

The humor is in the absurdity you cannot pick and choose your principles and be a principled man.

God has made it clear how His people are to act.

Today the only ones who have a claim to be His people are Christians.

Oh, many claim to be Christian, many wear it on their sleeve, many attend so-called Christian churches, but to be a Christian is to have accepted the spilled Blood of Jesus Christ as atonement for your personal sins.

True Christians cannot hide it.

No matter what you think, there is no other way to be excepted and justified by God after you die.

God, through His Son Jesus, has made it clear in the scripture how Christians are to behave in times of evil.

You may not be able to do anything physically about the evil, but God has an expectation about your attitude toward it, and to do what you can when given the opportunity.

Christ said that He did not come to remove the Law, but to fulfill the Law.

All of God’s Law, save animal sacrifices and rituals to atone for sin, and dietary Laws stand today.

We are given many examples of those who died for their faith, sawn in half, drawn and quartered burned at the stake, but we are told that a little suffering in this life standing up for Christ is nothing in view of eternity.

If you want to see, faith, read Foxx’s book of martyrs, free download from Project Avalon.

We are not called to die on every hill and there are times for discretion, but it is your attitude, your mindset, being prepared when God calls on you to speak and act in the face of evil.

It’s all laid out in the Scriptures if you would take time to read it.

Many sermons on sermonaudio.com

Accept Christ ask God to teach you and the Holy Spirit will lead you on a path to understanding.

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"If you have children in schools, you may choose to stay silent when your school hosts a transgender assembly, or when teachers wear “pride” attire to school, or when your chapel—with a cross in it— hosts an Islamic worship lesson."

Meanwhile, across America, in the same places with crosses in them, are occult hexagrams representative of the Babylonian Talmudists that are behind all that's going on today, the slaughter of Christians globally, were entirely behind the Bolshevik Revolution, aka the Christian genocidal cleansing of former Christian Russia and Eastern Europe, and yet we gleefully embrace that and all that's associated with it, even heretically polluting the same environments with the term Judeo-Christian.

Just sayin'. Some things are worse than Islam yet for some strange reason they rarely if ever get mentioned as such in places expressing concern over the subversion of Christianity in our world today.

But hey, what's another war or two in the name of Christ!

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Islam, and Judaism are supremacists cult / religions. Islam considers all non Muslims as godless infidels, and Judaism considers all non-Jews godless gentiles or goyims. Islam seeks to convert the non-Muslims to Islam, while Judaism seeks to kill or enslave the non-Jews.

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That was not God’s intent with the real Jews. They were to spread his message to all people and bring them into the fold. They failed to do that. The Jews were utterly destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. they have no records they have no place on this earth now those called Jews are Jews, in name only

God divorced himself from the Jews, they were replaced by Christians.

It is spelled out plain as day in the Scriptures

go to SermonAudio.com

find Pastor John Weaver and his sermons “Who are the Jews?”.

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The Babylonia Talmud relegates Mary the mother of Jesus, as a whore, and has Christ, not seated at the right hand of God, but wallowing in hot excrement. Islam at least treats Jesus as a prophet.

Either way, the threat of extremist muslims is overrated, the other understated since it permeates western culture and essentially rules over it.

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I read the part about "Islam" and rolled my eyes. I can't believe there are some still scapegoating it after all these years.

I say, "amen" to this, "the threat of extremist muslims is overrated, the other understated since it permeates western culture and essentially rules over it."

Also the mention of "free markets" was another eye roller since there probably never was one in at least the past few centuries.

Also, I'm sure you'd agree that anyone parroting the garbage that spews from the mass media would be well advised to question everything especially including the opinions they're obtained from the liars and propagandists of the world, and they are legion and well funded.

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"Are you a 'white Christian nationalist'?"

The irony is you will get in as much trouble for saying you favor "white Christian nationalism" as you will for saying you oppose white Jewish nationalism, aka "Zionism." Never mind that your tax dollars fund the latter to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year. The double standards are staggering.

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The most important part of the book is what he said about how the Soviet people should have countered the KGB invading their homes. Americans who live in walk up apartments would be wise to keep their hammers handy.

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I feel like you nailed my church- who wants me to be a “good global citizen”

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Thanks for brilliant column which was posted in LRC. The revolution is supported by blue haired ladies, like Barbara Bush, who don't realize that they (we) are in the midst of a revolution as they sip their bourbon.

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Most adults maybe 97 percent are self absorbed nihiliists and will go alongwith any liberal agenda only to "fit in" and be popular with the crowds incl the lgbtq's and other leftists. Most all took the covid shots and I cut ties with all these folks. By cirle is tiny only filled with critical thinking folks who know gov. is not for the citizens, only foreigners (money sent to rogue countries) and illegal boarder crossers. America is no longer and we quit voting forty years ago when Reagan pulled some leftist agendas.

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So glad I found your site (being an introvert helped) a few weeks ago, and glad you brought up Solzhenitsyn (since I truly am an "enemy of the state" since I am an enemy of evil and of Satan, committed to Christ), since I too expose evil and the Satanic minion psychopaths that rule this world (Ephesians 6:12 style) in my novels, at https://omegabooksnet.com. If Orwell, Solzhenitsyn, and others can write novels exposing evil, so can I, if God wills it. Another interesting place to go would be to James Lindsay's videos on YouTube and his site New Discourses. Part 1 of an intersting series is here:


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This is a religious crusade for Branch Covidians. They are fanatical puritans when it comes to their beliefs. Anything and everything is allowed when it comes to punishing heretics. It’s the same impulse that had grown men burning little girls at the stake in this country.

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I can name that tune in four words.

"Two Hundred Years Together"

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